Our Core Values


We understand life happens for everyone and we want everyone to be in the place they are most needed when they are needed. We are a team who understands this for ourselves, each other and our clients. We communicate and work closely together and create systems and processes to guarantee flexibility is possible without sacrificing the quality of work we pride ourselves on.


We recognize that we are all unique humans, and we respect everyone’s inherent value. We create an environment where people with diverse identities are welcome, respected, supported, and most importantly, understanding their perspective is a condition for making business decisions. Our differences are what allows us to thrive as a team. 


We ask questions! We approach life through a lens of curiosity. No one has all the answers; we all have room to learn and grow from everyone we come into contact with. We recognize this about ourselves, our teammates and clients. We extend grace willingly assuming everyone is working from a place of positive intent even though impact may have been otherwise. When impact does not align with intent we get curious as to how best to respond and correct to have the desired impact next time.


We prioritize our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being. We assess our policies, procedures and projects based on their ability to support well being. We use good business practices to create an environment that promotes well being.


Through connection, collaboration and excellent communication we constantly improve our team and client experience. We take time to get to know each other and welcome our authentic selves into our work including each other’s preferences and work styles. We collaborate with our clients as we work to walk alongside them to achieve their goals and we work as a team to support each other in being world class bookkeepers and advisors for our clients. We focus on building a trusted network of collaborators we can connect with our clients to further enhance our team and client experience. We communicate effectively and timely both internally as a team and with our clients and all involved parties to ensure we are not a roadblock to anyone accomplishing goals. We maintain a goal of every interaction benefitting the client, team member and all companies involved.