In one of Eric Cressey’s latest articles, he reminded me that “Bigger Isn’t Better, Better Is Better”, and went on to state…
“I think you’re better off taking home 50% of a $500,000/year fitness business than net 5% on a $5 million/year one.” Do the math. 🙂
Couldn’t have said it better myself (no pun intended). A business that is 10x bigger is probably going to cause you a lot more than 10x the headaches, for the same take home.
Now I am not here to crush dreams. If you want a $5 million company that brings tremendous value and impact to the world, do your thing. All I am asking is you count the cost first. One of the mistakes I see many owners is chasing a big business before they nail down the fundamentals of business.
I used to think that getting bigger would solve all my problems. More income = more money = more flexibility, right? More stress, yes. More money in my pocket, not so much. As Profit First author Mike Michalowicz says – It’s easier to control a $10,000 a month cash eating monster than a $100,00 a month cash eating monster.
Here’s my advice.
Get REALLY good at what you do when your business is small. Perfect your craft. Develop your systems. Crush your debt. Learn to use every dollar to its maximum potential. You may find nailing down those skill gives you exactly the business you want. And if you do decide to scale, they will give you the foundation to do it right.
Better Before Bigger.
Because bigger isn’t better. Better Is Better.
Live It.